Go Resources


  1. Real-time Go game servers
  2. Turn-based Go game servers
  3. Go
  4. Go clubs
  5. Useful link lists
  6. Go books & equipment
  7. Commercial computer Go software
  8. Non-commercial computer Go software
  9. Computer Go

  1. Real-time Go game servers

    IGS Pandanet - Internet Go Server
    KGS Go Server
    Yahoo games

  2. Turn-based Go game servers

    Dragon Go Server - Very nice, offline Go playing
    OGS - Online Go Server

  3. Go

    Sensei's Library - Master list of Go servers
    GoDiscussions - Go Forum
    Adum - Go Problems
    Chiyodad Learns Go
    Ulrich Goertz - U-Go.net
    Kirk McElhearn
    Pelle Evensen - Pelle's Go-stuff
    Sensei's Library - Collaborative web site about Go
    Description of Go on Kuro5hin
    Seattle Go Center
    European Go Cultural Centre (in The Netherlands)
    Morten Pahle
    Matthew MacFadyen - Go Teaching Pages
    David Stafford - The Art of Go
    Gary Odom - Kogo's Joseki Dictionary
    Mark Hall & John Fairbairn - Games of Go on Disk
    Arnoud van der Loeff - Turbo Go
    Jean-loup Gailly
    Tsume Go Problem-of-the-day
    Per-Erik Martin - PEM's Go page
    Jan van Rongen - Go Game Collections
    Go WebRing
    Go FTP archive
    Tsumego (go problems)
    GoodShape - Game record viewer applet
    GoBase - News and online reference materials
    Ed Lee's Go page
    Toriyama's public Go forum
    Eric S. Piotrowski's 3D Art of Go
    Blake Haber
    John Tromp - John's Go Page
    The IGS Art Gallery
    Steve Pribut's Go Page

  4. Go clubs

    American Go Association
    British Go Assocation
    Nihon Ki-in - The Japan Go Association
    University of Texas at Austin Go Club
    Austin Go Club

  5. Useful link lists

    ThinkQuest's links
    Harry Fearnley's Main Go (Baduk, WeiQi/Wei-Ch'i, Igo) Page
    Harry Fearnley's Go/Baduk/WeiQi Bookmarks/Favourites
    The Web Go Page Index
    Lotus Artificial Life - Go Links

  6. Go books & equipment

    Japan Go Imports (US)
    Yellow Mountain Imports
    KUROKI GOISHI TEN - Direct sales from Japan
    Ibuki Trading Post
    Slate and Shell
    David Carlton - Go books, bibliographies
    Schaak- en Gowinkel het Paard (Europe)
    Master Games (United Kingdom)

  7. Commercial computer Go software

    Many Faces of Go - David Fotland
    Go++ - Michael Reiss

  8. Non-commercial computer Go software

    GoKnot - Game viewer and IGS client
    Lukasz Lew - Effective Go board library
    Narugo - Open source Java Go project
    PubGo++ - A set of classes for GO programming in C++
    GNU Go - Open source Go-playing program
    Lukasz Lew's Effective Go board library
    HouseBot - Open source Go program in C++
    Orego - Peter Drake's open source Go program in C++ and Java
    Guillaume Chaslot and Jahn-Takeshi Saito - Mango

  9. Computer Go

    Nick Wedd - Computer Go Information
    Wiki: Writing Software to Play the Ancient Game of Go
    The computer-go mailing list archive
    Join the computer-go mailing list
    Don Dailey - CGOS - A 9x9 Computer Go Server
    Thomas Thomsen - MadLab Tesuji Solver
    Tapani Raiko
    Erik van der Werf - Migos (5x5 Go solver)
    David Fotland - Smart Games, 'Many Faces of Go'
    Peter Drake - Orego
    Jeffrey Greenberg - OpenGo
    glGo - OpenGL-based 3D Goban and client for IGS-PandaNet
    Frank de Groot - Zenhacker
    Michael Reiss - Go++
    Michael Reiss - Mick's Computer Go Page
    Mark Boon - Tesuji Software, 'Goliath'
    Hiroshi Yamashita - Hiroshi's Computer Go and Shogi
    Katsunari's Page - Pattern matching
    Jay Burmeister
    Sylvain Gelly - MoGo
    Anders Kierulf - Smart Go
    David A. Mechner
    Markus Enzenberger - NeuroGo
    Thomas Wolf - GoTools
    Dave Dyer
    Guillaume Chaslot
    Martin Müller
    Computer Go Group at University of Alberta
    Computer Go Test Collection
    David Elsdon
    David Elsdon - GL7 Go Project
    Chris Rosin
    Bruno Bouzy
    Eric Pettersen
    Tristan Cazenave
    Bernd Bruegmann - 'Gobble'
    Elwyn Berlekamp - Mathematical Go
    David Wolfe - Mathematical Go
    Antti Huima
    Nici Schraudolph's go networks
    Peter Dayan
    Stefan Mertin
    Joachim Pimiskern - 'AUGOS'
    Intelligent Go Foundation
    Computer Go tournament Calendar
    Go Modem Protocol
    NTT Computer Go (in Japanese)
    Gnu Go
    Gnu Go (mirror site?)
    Go Text Protocol
    Zhixing Computer Goe Company - 'Handtalk', 'Wulu', 'Goemate'
    GoBase - News and online reference materials
    GameAI.com - Game A.I. page
    Markus Enzenberger - Online Computer Go Bibliography
    Computer Go Ladder
    Jay Scott - Machine Learning in Games
    JiGo - Java interface for Go
    Jago - Java Go Client and SGF viewer
    Back issues of 'Computer Go' magazine
    Piotr Kaminski - Vegos - Uses simulated annealing, written in Java
    Archives of the Computer Go mailing list
    Advice on writing a Go-playing program
    Lewey Geselowitz's - Freed Go
    David Weiss - Moyoman
    Lukasz Lew - Effective Go board library